Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts <p><strong>Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts (MUIJEA),</strong> is an accredited interdisciplinary research journal published annually. MUIJEA is an online, peer-reviewed highquality journal, with print versions, published by the Faculty of Education and Arts, Madonna University, Nigeria. The journal is aimed at building bridges across disciplinary, professional, and geographical divides, and most importantly, contributing through its findings to the peace, development and progress of the globe at large. Reports of quantitative and qualitative studies that address contemporary issues in general fields of Education, Arts and other related disciplines in humanities are considered for publication.</p> Faculty of Education and Arts Madonna University Nigeria en-US Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2734-2816 Perversion of Democratic Process and Autocracy in Bosede Ademulua Afolayan's Once Upon an Elephant <p>Globally, writers are influenced by their ambiance. In Nigeria, intellectuals are part and parcel of their social environments. Achebe had remarked that politics and social affairs cannot be kept out of literature. As a result, the nucleus of several literary contents is on sociopolitical issues that concern perversion of democratic process such as dictatorship, bribery and corruption. That is why after sixtythree years of Independence and twenty-three years of democratic rule in Nigeria, cardinal players in the nation's election process remain a source of anxiety to some writers and the nation as a whole because credible elections play vital roles in any democratic regime. The fear is that if the culprits are not disarmed, they will eventually disarm the power of democracy in the populace. It is on this premise that this paper uses critical realism to examine Once Upon an Elephant in the light of the above scenario to contend that Bosede's work is a portrait of the nation's political scene which any wise audience would unmistakably regard as a farce but it is real; where elderly men play hide and seek game and toy with the nation's destiny as in a children's moonlight game. However, from the play it is realized that the great law of cause-and-effect operates automatically like the force of gravity. In the play, the key players of perversion and autocracy did not escape.</p> Anthonia E. Ezeugo, PhD Nkechi Ezenwamadu, PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 1 4 14 14 Exerting Influence Of Pentecostalism on the Mainline Churches in Enugu State <p>Pentecostalism remains a force that pulls the doctrine of the mainline Churches in the contemporary time. Its impacts are obvious especially in the modus operandi of the orthodox Christian denominations. Demonstration of spiritual powers and wealth accumulation which were not considered as factors for measuring a prosperous Church as well as a priest in the mainline Churches have become yardstick for considering a progressive Church and a priest. These have paved way for imitation of divine powers and misappropriation of it. It has become very elusive to distinguish between a materialistic Pentecostal pastor and a priest of the Orthodox Church. Abuse of speaking in other languages, emphasis on miracles and other spiritual enterprise, charlatanism, prosperity preaching, projection of Church founders and leaders during outdoor events, church as money making factory among others have also become the order of the day in the Mainline Churches in the recent time. One of the major of causes of this scenario may concern itself with proliferation of churches and fear of depopulation of the Mainline Churches. The thrust of this paper concerns itself with the examination of the aftermath of Pentecostalism on the Mainline Churches with the principal aim of recommending feasible solutions in order to retain moral rectitude and foster human and society development. The research methodology adopted by the researchers is phenomenological method. Qualitative method of collecting data is also used. Data were collected and analyzed through secondary sources.</p> Chisom Solomon. Ugwuewo Chika Ike PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 1 4 15 15 Developing Standardized Tests and Marking Guide for Effective Learners' Assessment <p>The aim of this paper is for instructors to learn how to showcase their skills in preparing valid, reliable and useful items including test planning, test preparation, test scoring/grading based on defined marking guide for effective learners' assessment. This is to promote Fairness, objectivity and consistency in evaluating learner's performance. The paper discusses the different types of tests, basic considerations in classroom test development, and explanation of different steps in test construction and how to prepare a defined standard marking guide. The paper also emphasizes the importance of transparency and continuous improvement in the learner's assessment process. The paper creates awareness that a good test well-constructed and the marking guide well prepared reflects the goals of the instructor. It will equally make instructors to avoid subjectivity and bias. This paper also shows clarity and accuracy of the assessment material crucial in achieving reliable results which will enhance and facilitate tests development and marking. This paper will make instructors to learn how to construct good items and marking guide. I recommend that instructors should attend seminars and workshops to upgrade their knowledge because they are the driving force in any educational system. They are also the fulcrum of the Education Act</p> Dr. Caroline Ifeyinwa OKORIE Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 1 4 18 18 Digital Technology for Capacity Building in Teaching Arts and Social Science Education in Tertiary Institution in Delta State <p>This study reviewed digital technology for capacity building in teaching Arts and Social Science education in tertiary institutions in Delta State. Lack of adequate information, communication and technology hinders growth and performances on the part of the teacher and students especially in tertiary institution.The design of the study was a descriptive survey research design. The population for the study comprises all lecturers in the University of Delta Agbor, Delta State University Abraka and College of Education Warri. Three (3) research purposes and Three (3) research questions guided the study.A sample size of one hundred and two (102) Lecturers were randomly selected through simple random sampling technique. Three (3) research questions guided the study. The instrument use for the study was the questionnaire titled “Digital Technology for Teaching Arts and Social Science Education in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State” (DTFTASEITIDS). The instruments were validated and the reliability obtained was 0.87 using crombach Alpha coefficient. Data was collected and analyzed using chi-square analysis. The result obtained from the study shows that lecturers have no positive attitude towards digital technology in teaching. Based on the above finding, it was recommended that administrators/government should indicate more interest in the use of digital technology for effective teaching</p> Dr. Christiana. N. Nwadiokwu Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 1 4 22 22 The Weight of Tradition and Superstitions: An Interrogation of Chinelo Okparanta's Under the Udala Trees <p>The study examines the influence of tradition and superstitions on the existence of the characters of Chinelo Okparanta – an Igbo writer in the diaspora. The novel is set in 1960s Nigeria and follows the story of Ijeoma, a girl growing up in war-torn Nigeria who must come to terms with her sexuality and the conflict this presents in society. In particular, the paper is interested in examining the choking weight of tradition and superstition as portrayed in the selected literary text. It constitutes the discussion of various factors that affect people at different levels in association with tradition and in this case, same-sex relationships. The main objective of the paper is to analyse how homosexuality became a weighty tradition for an African writer of Igbo descent. Major scholarships on alternative sexualities have simultaneously exploited the erotic possibilities of same gender relationships and stigmatize it as grossly repulsive, un-African and most unlikely. The paper utilises W.E.B. Dubois' theory of “Double Consciousness” in the reading, analysis and interpretation of this text. The findings reveal that the writer's predilection to Eurocentric ways influences her assertions as reflected in her choice of characters that like her are cast in the in-between space. These characters shuttle between points of inclusion and exclusion and view heterosexuality as weighty and confounding. The dearth of queer criticisms is a reflection of the perception by most Africans that homosexuality is inherently alien to African cultures.</p> Dr. Chinyere Theodora Ojiakor Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 1 4 13 13 Teacher Education for Integral National Development:A Philosophical Framework <p>If a vacuum between teacher education and a carefully thought-out scientific programme for national development is permitted to exist, it will be challenging for developing countries to achieve national development. The goal of this study is to value the role that Teacher Education plays in the advancement of other educational levels, with a particular focus on the importance of both qualitative and quantitative education for the whole growth of a country. In light of the current educational issues in Nigeria, this study is especially concerned with the roles of teachers in the pursuit of integrated national development through effective teaching and learning. It is a widely held belief that most teachers seem to have very little basic orientations requisite for teaching and learning regardless of the level of teacher education development they have attained or are predisposed to, and that this is a result of how poorly they balance their personal issues. It is true that dealing with the unique nature of modern challenges requires a great deal of professional competence and the appropriate attitude and state of mind on the part of the teacher, and that ideologies as the aims of teacher education must be cognizant of the pursuit of integral national development. The purpose of the study is to place philosophy of education exclusively within Nigeria's focus of teacher education. It recommended, as its conclusion, that the teaching profession—better yet, teacher education—be properly managed and utilized to reap the rewards of education, particularly with a view to Nigeria's attainment of integrated national development.</p> Dr. Daniel Osamwonyi IYOHA Monday Osagie IYOHA Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 1 4 18 18 Analysis of Solution Domain skills acquisition in Software Engineering in Computer Technology among Computer Education students in Universities in South-East Nigeria <p>The study surveyed the Solution Domain skills acquisition in Software Engineering in Computer Technology by Computer Education students of Universities in South-East Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to analyze the software design skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students of Universities, software implementation skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students of Universities and software maintenance skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students in Universities. The study sought answers what are the software design skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students in Universities, the software implementation skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students in Universities and the software maintenance skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students in Universities. The hypotheses formulated include that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of opinions of Lecturers and Technologists on the software design skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students, there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of opinions of Lecturers and Technologists on the software implementation skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students, and that there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of opinions of Lecturers and Technologists on the software maintenance skills in Software Engineering needed by Computer Education students. The study adopted the survey research design with a population of 104 respondents comprised 61 Lecturers and 43 Technologies in Computer Education. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the correlated t-test statistic was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study reveals that considerations of compatibility, maintainability, reliability, reusability and security are key design skills in Software Engineering. The study also reveals that testing skills that include item testing, unit testing and entire program (system) testing are highly needed in software engineering. The study finally revealed that the maintenance skills required include that of Creation of maintenance plan, Follow-up on product configuration, Implementation of the modification and Consideration of software retirement. In conclusion, there are needs for the acquisition of software design skills, software implementation skills and software maintenance skills in software engineering. It is recommended that university students should focus on solutions domain skills as a major emphasis in software development.</p> Dr. Ibebuife Enemchukwu UGWU Rolland Offorbike UGWOKE Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 1 4 21 21 Usefulness of Ubiquitous Learning Technology and Learning Environments to Postgraduate Students of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka <p>The detection technologies; is possible to detect locations of learners in various dimensions and provide them with the necessary learning contents simultaneously. The limitations imposed by traditional learning environments can be overcome by ubiquitous learning. Elearning environments, in particular, assist learners to access learning resources anywhere and anytime they like without being subjected to the limitations of time and space. This paper tries to identify the key factors that influence Computer education- (innovation, learning motivation, and computer self-efficacy) and their impact on Computer education will bring satisfaction. Two research questions were answered and literatures were reviewed. The study adopted descriptive survey research was adopted and structured questionnaire was the instrument used for the data collection. A total population of 23 respondents drawn from which is the 2017/2018 registered Postgraduate students of the Department of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. No sampling technique was conducted because of its manageable population size. A questionnaire containing 97 items titled Ubiquitous Learning Questionnaire (ULQ) was used to obtain information from respondents. The instrument was face-validated by one lecturer from the Department of Computer Education Peaceland College of Education, Abakaliki Campus, Ebonyi state and a lecturer from the Department of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The instrument was trial tested to establish the internal consistency of the items. Twenty copies of the questionnaire were administered to students of Department of Computer Education Peaceland College of Education, Abakaliki Campus, Ebonyi state. These respondents were not part of the population for the study. The reliability of the instrument was conducted using Cronbach alpha reliability method which yielded overall co-efficient of 0.76 and 65, 73, 74, 63, and 78 for the different clusters respectively. Two research assistants were used. These were assigned to cover the College of Education. Data collected was through four points Likert questionnaires called Ubiquitous Learning Questionnaire (ULQ) with two sections; Afor demographic data collection and B for collecting information for the study. To answer the research questions, used to ascertain the deviation of data collected. A criterion of 2.50 was adopted as the cutoff point (agreement level) for the items. Hence, any mean point less than 2.50 was rejected. Data for the study collected from responses was analysed using one sample T – test with standard deviation. The response options of Strongly Aware (SA), Aware (A), Slightly Aware (SA), Not Aware (NA) were used. Based on the findings of the study, conclusions was drawn and recommended that the National University Commission (NUC) which is the regulatory body responsible for designing the curriculum, accreditation of programmes and general overseeing of the education programmes where the computer educators are trained should also take into account the Context-aware ubiquitous learning environments and the technologies.</p> Dr. Ifeoma Chukwuorji Monday Chukwuorji Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 1 4 21 21 Development of a Learning Management System for Teaching Entrepreneurship Education using Flip Learning Model for Sustainable National Development. <p>The general term for the platform process which provides a cohesive and integrated learning experience through a framework of learning process and assessment in a specific context is Learning Management System. The development of Learning Management System for Entrepreneurship Education using Flip Learning Model is needed because of the necessity required to shift from normal classroom instructional environment to the one interactive and technology driven activities in education system and sustainability of National Development is the objective. The Study adopted Research and Development (R &amp; D) design to produce the developed Learning Management System for Entrepreneurship Education using Flip learning model. The findings revealed that respondents' opinion, supports the development of Learning Management System for entrepreneurship education, conclusions drawn that Learning Management System for Entrepreneurship Education should be adopted for teaching and learning of Entrepreneurship Education to improve sustainability of National Development.</p> Dr Ifeoma Chukwuorji Believe Igbunu Akpobroka Gusen Nandom Joseph Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 1 4 16 16 Commodification: Feminist Struggles in Sutherland's the Marriage of Anansewa and Sofola's Wedlock of the Gods <p>Women have always been considered as simply mere commodities. This has made them not to be valued for their human qualities in the society. Women in most African cultures are seen as commodities, where they are being given out in marriage against their will. Most times they are being sold out as commodities for economic values. However, African writers have been able to expose the flaws and dangers in such a conception. This study examines the negative impact of feminist struggles as a result of commodification by African parents. The study adopts feminism as a theory and uses textual analysis method to critically analyze Efua Sutherland's The Marriage of Anansewa and Zulu Sofola's Wedlock of the Gods. Through content analysis, the study discusses the commodification of women and their struggles in the African Patriarchal society. The study concludes that women will do better and contribute more positively in the society when they are given freedom to live as humans not as commodities. The study recommends that awareness should be created by triggering dialogue through theatre. This approach will open a unique space to build awareness on the effects of forced marriages as well as open discussion on how to address the issue</p> Maureen Ngozi Ndu, PhD Ohiero, Victoria Omari Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 1 4 21 21 Global Employability Skills Required of Business Education Graduates in Delta State <p>The study focused on global employability skills required of business education graduates in Delta State. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study.The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised 76 business educators in Federal Technical College Asaba and Delta University, Agbor. A questionnaire duly validated by experts was used for data collection. The mean statistics was used to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test the null hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed the global employability skills are needed by business education graduates to be employable in the global world. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that curriculum of business education should be reviewed to embrace the global employability skills as identified in the study. Also, business educators should improve and update themselves to be in line with the global work expectations. This will as well help them to impact same to their students.</p> Ugonwa Felicia UMEH, PhD Daniel Osamwonyi IYOHA, PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 1 4 16 16 Public Relations in Education: A Strategic Plan for universities in Nigeria <p>Education is about generating, disseminating, advancing, and applying knowledge. To succeed in it therefore, requires qualified teachers, teachable students, enabling environment, healthy competition, and a culture of motivation. In the absence of these, university education fails. This paper addressed the question: are universities in Nigeria today still able to deliver on the lofty goals of education? Hinged on the theories of perception and persuasion, through a discursive approach, the paper observed that universities have largely lost its place of pride as reservoir of knowledge in Nigeria. The paper found a growing worry about university education arising from inadequate funding, poor quality of staff and students, brain-drain, incessant strikes, poor leadership, corruption among others. This paper thus, advocated the use of public relations strategies to revamp the ailing system through a series of public relations approaches in education, otherwise called Educational Public Relations (EPR). The paper further found that this happened because universities suffered neglect, hence failed to deliver quality and standard. Instead, they depreciated, produced declined value due to use of moribund facilities. The paper, however expressed hope that strategic use of a public relations plan was a necessary intervention. EPR plan was recommended as a catalyst to bring back the vigour, lost glory, positive public image, integrity and trust in the university system in Nigeria.</p> Zorte N. MAAMAA, PhD Daniel Osamwonyi IYOHA, PhD Ejike M. OBETA, PhD Moses U. OKOYE, PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 1 4 21 21 Knowledge Sharing: A New Approach to Knowledge Management in Business Education Programme in Nigeria <p>The paper examined the importance of knowledge sharing among business educators in Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to explore knowledge sharing methods and ways of improving knowledge sharing in business education programme. The paper viewed the extent to which business educators are involved in knowledge sharing for their educational activities. This is because knowledge sharing will assist business educators to keep abreast with current and relevant information particularly in their chosen professions. One of the challenges most business educators are facing is how to share knowledge with one another. Most senior and experienced business educators believe that sharing of knowledge will make them irrelevant in the system and some are not conversant with social media therefore, do not see the need for knowledge sharing. The implication of this is that the exit of these senior and experienced business educators from the institution due to transfer of service, retirements, ill health or death are likely tol create loss of memory that may affect the institution and business educators in particular. To this end, knowledge must be updated and shared continuously to improve performance and productivity in business education programme. Business educators must take advantage in exploring various methods of sharing knowledge on social media and the internet. The institutions must make deliberate efforts to capture the intellectual properties of their lecturers before they exit from the system to prevent loss of memory and to make it available when needed. It is against this background that this paper examines various methods of sharing knowledge, ways to cultivate knowledge sharing culture, dangers of hording knowledge, ways of improving knowledge sharing in business education and barriers to knowledge sharing in business education. The paper therefore recommends thatuniversity management should drive the need for business educators to embrace ICT for knowledge sharing and experienced business educators should be encouraged to publish their research findings in the institution and departmental repositories, among others.</p> EMEFIELE, Daniel Chukwudi Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 1 4 18 18 A Discourse Study of Language used by Bus Drivers and Conductors in Anambra Metropolis <p>With the high rate of activities on the road, the study of language used by stakeholders of road transportation becomes of paramount interest .The study is set to ascertain the peculiar nature and choice of language use among bus drivers and conductors in Anambra metropolis. The study, therefore, explores the use of terms used by bus drivers and conductors within Anambra metropolis. This is with the view of using sociolinguistic measures to provide explanations regarding the use of such language. Data for the study were collected through unobtrusive observation method and unstructured interview. The observation and recording were done for a period of eight months. Such a long period was used to enable the researcher gather most if not all the words/expressions used by bus drivers and conductors in the different locations that served the sample. The work is guided by Halliday's Systemic Functional Theory which emphasizes the use of language in context. Data for the study were analyzed using a descriptive approach .The findings reveal that bus drivers and conductors in Anambra metropolis use words or concepts that are not only unique to them but also contributes to their free flow of expression and communication among them as a social group. It further reveals that their nature or choice of language in no small measure adds to enriching the lexicon of the languages used. Finally, the aesthetic function of the language usage cannot also be overlooked. Hence, the research concludes that the words used by the bus drivers and conductors in Anambra metropolis is unique. It clearly indicates that one belongs to a certain profession or association. Since the study serves as a veritable foundation for further interesting research, the study recommends that other researchers may take a pragmatic study of the same or similar topic.</p> Grace Ikechukwu Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 1 4 19 19 Digitalization of English Language Teaching and Learning in Nigerian Universities <p>The world around us has drastically changed over time and this drastic shift is as a result of innovations in the field of science and technology which has reduced the sizes of the technological tools and increased the speed in which they operate in teaching English. However, due to the insufficient supply of appropriate teaching devices, most English language teachers and students are left to their own devices and the teachers' level of awareness in the use of ICT is generally poor. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the digitalization of English language teaching and learning, its significance is not just in terms of preparing the learners for an uncertain future, but in building their confidence. A descriptive qualitative research method was used and the data for the study were analyzed through interview and close ended questionnaire within the Theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) propounded by Fred Davis in 1989. The population of the study is all the staff and students and the purposively selected sample population was 10 students between the ages of 17-24 years and 8 teachers of English language from Madonna University Nigeria, Anambra State. The result indicated students' confidence on digital technology in helping them in creating an interesting atmosphere for learning whereas the teachers upheld the use of these digital tools but some challenges become the major obstacles</p> Ijiokeke, Nneamaka Maryann Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 1 4 17 17 The Nexus Between Existentialism and Environmental Philosophy “Let beings be”- Martin Heidegger <p>Man, as a “Being-in-the-world,” possesses a huge responsibility in making the environment congenial for his habitation. On this premise, in-depth analysis of the connections between existentialist and environmental philosophy is presented in this study, along with an examination of their shared principles and the results of their convergence. Environmental philosophy, which is concerned with the relationship between people and nature and emphasizes ecological interconnectedness and the intrinsic value of the environment, resonates strongly with existentialism, a philosophical movement focused on individual existence, self-awareness, and the search for meaning. This study therefore reveals the natural synergy between these two philosophical fields by comparing fundamental existentialist ideas like authenticity, freedom, and responsibility with environmental philosophy's ideas of ecological ethics, sustainability, and ecological consciousness. The study also explores the role existential view of existence and the environment might play in promoting ecological awareness, motivating meaningful environmental action, and enhancing our ethical treatment of nature. This research ultimately emphasizes the transformative potential of fusing existentialist philosophy with environmental philosophy, giving a convincing synthesis that develops a greater understanding of humanity's place within the natural world and its duty in nurturing and protecting it, and thereafter, advocating for a fundamental shift in human attitudes and lifestyles to promote ecological harmony.</p> Monday Osagie IYOHA Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 1 4 24 24 Unethical Behaviour and Academic Performance of Undergraduates in Rivers State <p>The study investigated unethical behaviour and academic performance of undergraduates in Rivers State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised of the 377-teaching staff in three public universities in Rivers State. The sample of the study was 590, consisting 327 male and 263 teaching staff drawn from the three public universities in Rivers State, through stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used to generate data was a self-structured 12 – itemquestionnaire titled 'Unethical Behaviours and Academic Performance of Undergraduates in Public Universities Questionnaire” (UBAPUPUQ). Test re-test was used to record the reliability coefficient of the instrument at 0.85. The research questions were responded to using simple average mean statistics, while the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level using the z-test. The study revealed that unethical behaviours deny undergraduates the opportunity to acquire the specialized skills and knowledge and reduces the confidence of students to pass their examinations with high grade, and destroys students' zeal to study earnestly to pass their examination. It also showed that organizing regular orientation for students to encourage them to take their studies serious supporting underachieving students with counsels and tutorials would assist to improve their academic performance. Furthermore, this study recommended that university authorities should install information communication technologies in the school and exam halls surveillance, supervision of examination and checking of plagiarism. Moreso, universities should regularly organize orientation and sensitization for students in order to educate students on the dangers of engaging in unethical behaviours and the need to for them to take their studies serious</p> Nwadike, Ikechukwu Shedrack, PhD Agu, Chidiebere Joan Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 1 4 25 25 Unveiling Polysemy without Ambiguity: A Semantic Analysis of Lexical Items in the Umumba Ndiagu Dialect of Igbo Language <p>This paper delves into the intricate phenomenon of polysemy within the Umumba Ndiagu dialect, a lesser-explored linguistic variant and a sub-dialect of the Igbo language spoken in Enugu State, in the south-eastern part of Nigeria. Polysemy, the coexistence of multiple meanings within a single word, presents a challenging yet fascinating area of study in linguistics. Through a comprehensive semantic analysis, this paper aims to ascertain whether polysemy exist in the Umumba Ndiagu dialect of Igbo without ambiguity by uncovering the extent and nature of polysemy in this dialect. The research employs qualitative method to identify and analyse polysemous lexemes within the Umumba Ndiagu dialect. Utilising data collected through native speaker interviews, the study establishes a semantic inventory of polysemous words and investigates the various senses these words evoke. The Wittgenstein's Use Theory of Meaning, propounded in 1933, which states that "the meaning of an expression is a matter of the way this expression is put to use by its competent users", was used as the theoretical framework of the study to analyse the lexical items found in the dialect. Findings indicate, among others that polysemy can exist in the Umumba Ndiagu dialect of the Igbo language without ambiguity with the aid of use and context. The study recommends taking into account local linguistic phenomena in their cultural and cognitive contexts in order to enhance comprehension. The study serves as a stepping stone for further exploration of polysemy in other dialects and languages, in other to foster a deeper appreciation of the diverse and multifaceted nature of human communication. This will contribute to the expansion of the Igbo lexicon and provide valuable support to lexicographers working on creating a comprehensive Igbo dictionary.</p> Nwafor, Ebele Angela Nwafor, Odinaka Janefrances Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 1 4 21 21 Harmony in Education: Unleashing Collective Potentials Through Collaborative Leadership in Delta <p>Education has a transforming power that influences both individuals and communities. The idea of maintaining harmony in education has been more popular recently, placing emphasis on the requirement for coordinated efforts by teachers, students, parents, and the larger community. This paper looks at the value of a harmonious education in releasing a group's potential through group leadership. There is discussion of the elements that support educational concord. In-depth discussion is given on the value of embracing inclusion, encouraging free speech, and cultivating empathy and compassion within the educational ecosystem. Furthermore, the significance of a supportive school climate, student agency, and teacher collaboration in creating peaceful learning environments is emphasized. There are some suggestions made on how educational institutions might actively foster a peaceful learning atmosphere. Recommendations for educational institutions to actively promote a harmonious learning environment are highlighted. Among which are, advocate for the integration of social-emotional learning (SEL) programs, strengthening parent-teacher partnerships, and creating support systems for students' well-being. The paper also emphasizes the significance of continuous improvement and conflict resolution training to sustain harmony in educational settings.</p> Nwaham Caroline Obioma PhD Nwadiokwu Christina Nwakaegho PhD Clara Dumebi Moemeke PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 1 4 23 23 Impacts of School plant Insecurity on the academic performance of students in Public Secondary Schools in Imo state. <p>This study investigated the impacts of insecurity on school plant on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Imo state. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive research survey design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised 11,700 which is made up of 5000 male and 6700 female students in SS2 classes in 260 public secondary schools in Imo State. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 467 students in (10) public secondary schools in Imo state. The instrument for data collection was a researcher made instrument titled “Impact of insecurity on school plant in public secondary schools in Imo state (IIOAPOSPSSII). The instrument was construed on a four points weighted scale of “Strongly agree, Agree, “Disagree, and Strongly dis agree. The instrument was classified into three clusters. Section A, explains the demographic status of respondents. Section B, is made up of the various form of insecurity in public secondary schools in Imo state, while section C is made up of the causes of insecurity in public secondary schools in Imo state. The instrument was validated by three experts in Business educationand computer science education in the faculty of education Madonna University Okija Anambra state. The reliability of the instrument was obtained using Cronbach techniques at 0.05 alpha level of significance.. The Coefficient of reliability indices were 0.97 and 0.87, which shows that the instrument is reliable to be used for the study. The instrument was administered to SS2 students in 10 public secondary schools in Imo state with the help of two research assistants who were briefed on a day training on how to distribute the instrument to male and female SS2 students. Atotal of 467 copies of the instruments were administered and a total of 467 copies were returned non got missed. The instrument was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Z- test statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 Alpha level of significance. The findings from this study revealed that there are insecurity on school plant which affects academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Imo state. It was recommended from this study that school principals should create synergy with the community leaders to forestall insecurity in public secondary schools in Imo state. Also, school principals should scrutinize student's leaders before assigning position of leadership to them in the school. Perimeter fencing should be used to stop insecurity in public secondary schools in Imo state.</p> Nwakanma Christian Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 1 4 23 23 La Problématique De La Traduction Des Proverbes Africains En Français Vers L`anglais : Le Cas De Chaque Chose En Son Temps De Lynn Mbuko <p>Les proverbes africains expriment des pensées et des sentiments du peuple noir d`Afrique. La traduction des locutions proverbiales n`est pas une tâche facile. La problématique de leurs traductions d'une langue de départ à une langue cible constitue un aspect focal. Ce travail porte sur la problématique de la traduction des proverbes Africains d`expressions françaises vers l`anglais, le cas d`une pièce théâtrale intitulé Chaque Chose en son Temps de Lynn Mbuko. L'objectif du travail est de traduire quelques proverbes de la pièce, de relever les problèmes rencontrés et de démontrer les approaches nécessaires que nous pourrons employer pour surmonter les défis que l`on pourrait rencontrer lors de la traduction de telles locutions proverbiales. Nous avons eu recours à la théorie communicative de Danica Skeleskovitch et Marianne Lederer et aussi, l`équivalence, l`un des procédés techniques de la traduction indirect proposés par Vinay et Darbelnet comme les méthodologies suivies pour réaliser ce travail. Alors, nous avons souligné que pour efficacement traduire les proverbes ou les expressions idiomatiques de textes littéraires, d`une langue source à une langue cible, un traducteur doit maitriser la culture et la tradition de la société qui a donné naissance au texte littéraire.</p> OZAVESHE-MICHAEL, Rita Ifeoma NWOKOCHA Chiemeka Nelly-Cecily, PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 1 4 13 13 Hedonism And The Fallacy Of Joie De Vivre: A Study Of Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies <p>One of the social scourges that have and is plaguing society is war and its protracted aftermath is trauma. Post-traumatic stress disorder does not haunt only actors in a war but, equally, other members of society. Amongst the multi-faceted manifestations of trauma is the quest for self-gratification which people seek in a bid to assuage the pangs of trauma and triumph over depression and anxieties. However, through Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies, this paper seeks to demonstrate that despite the voracious desire for pleasure that cuts across demographics as a panacea to war anxieties, people do not obtain fulfillment given that hedonism provides only shortterm happiness. Lack of fulfilment in the quest for pleasure challenges the notion of joie de vivre especially as self-indulgence, also, renders people reckless, reduces awareness of danger and mars concern for their wellbeing thereby exposing them to death. Hence, help out of trauma could be sought from mental health professionals. Freud's ideas on how the first part of the tripartite psyche—the Id operates on the pleasure principle, Carl Jung's discourse on the collective unconscious, and the new historicist—Greenblatt's argument that a text reflects the atmosphere within which it was produced guide the analysis in this paper.</p> SIEFRED KHAN NCHIFOR Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 1 4 19 19 A Review of The Traditional Perception and Management of Malaria in Owan, Edo State <p>Conceptualization of health differs across culture. As a result, the paper takes a phenomenological review of the traditional perception and management of malaria in Owan Edo State. The aim is to explore the feasibility of a synergy between western biomedicine and African traditional medicine for the sustainable management and control of malaria in African communities. The methodology adopted is qualitative. Data were obtained mainly through in-depth interview and non-participatory observation methods. The paper discovers that the Owan (African) people have peculiar traditional belief, practice, knowledge and control measures for malaria and other diseases. It shows that they have been familiar with the signs and symptoms' relating to malaria even as it is today defined by modern biomedicine. The paper unveils also that the recent demands for pluralism in modern healthcare delivery system appears to be based on a realistic assessment of the inadequacy of any single system of healthcare to solve all contemporary health needs. The paper thus proposes the need for a trado-biomedical collaboration; that is, a harmonious synergy between African traditional medical system and western biomedicine for effective health care delivery in modern African societies.</p> Solomon Ijeweimen IKHIDERO, PhD Peter OlufemiALLI, PhD Copyright (c) 2024 Madonna University International Journal of Education and Arts 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 1 4 22 22