The Nexus Between Existentialism and Environmental Philosophy “Let beings be”- Martin Heidegger

  • Monday Osagie IYOHA
Keywords: Existentialism, Meaninglessness, Absurdity, Environmental philosophy, Sustainability, Pollution, Ecology, Nature, Care, Choice, Freedom and Responsibility.


Man, as a “Being-in-the-world,” possesses a huge responsibility in making the environment congenial for his habitation. On this premise, in-depth analysis of the connections between existentialist and environmental philosophy is presented in this study, along with an examination of their shared principles and the results of their convergence. Environmental philosophy, which is concerned with the relationship between people and nature and emphasizes ecological interconnectedness and the intrinsic value of the environment, resonates strongly with existentialism, a philosophical movement focused on individual existence, self-awareness, and the search for meaning. This study therefore reveals the natural synergy between these two philosophical fields by comparing fundamental existentialist ideas like authenticity, freedom, and responsibility with environmental philosophy's ideas of ecological ethics, sustainability, and ecological consciousness. The study also explores the role existential view of existence and the environment might play in promoting ecological awareness, motivating meaningful environmental action, and enhancing our ethical treatment of nature. This research ultimately emphasizes the transformative potential of fusing existentialist philosophy with environmental philosophy, giving a convincing synthesis that develops a greater understanding of humanity's place within the natural world and its duty in nurturing and protecting it, and thereafter, advocating for a fundamental shift in human attitudes and lifestyles to promote ecological harmony.

Author Biography

Monday Osagie IYOHA

Department of Philosophy
University of Benin, Benin City
Tel.: +2348131124621
