Usefulness of Ubiquitous Learning Technology and Learning Environments to Postgraduate Students of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

  • Dr. Ifeoma Chukwuorji
  • Monday Chukwuorji
Keywords: Ubiquitous Learning, Technology, Ubiquitous Learning Environments


The detection technologies; is possible to detect locations of learners in various dimensions and provide them with the necessary learning contents simultaneously. The limitations imposed by traditional learning environments can be overcome by ubiquitous learning. Elearning environments, in particular, assist learners to access learning resources anywhere and anytime they like without being subjected to the limitations of time and space. This paper tries to identify the key factors that influence Computer education- (innovation, learning motivation, and computer self-efficacy) and their impact on Computer education will bring satisfaction. Two research questions were answered and literatures were reviewed. The study adopted descriptive survey research was adopted and structured questionnaire was the instrument used for the data collection. A total population of 23 respondents drawn from which is the 2017/2018 registered Postgraduate students of the Department of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. No sampling technique was conducted because of its manageable population size. A questionnaire containing 97 items titled Ubiquitous Learning Questionnaire (ULQ) was used to obtain information from respondents. The instrument was face-validated by one lecturer from the Department of Computer Education Peaceland College of Education, Abakaliki Campus, Ebonyi state and a lecturer from the Department of Computer and Robotics Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The instrument was trial tested to establish the internal consistency of the items. Twenty copies of the questionnaire were administered to students of Department of Computer Education Peaceland College of Education, Abakaliki Campus, Ebonyi state. These respondents were not part of the population for the study. The reliability of the instrument was conducted using Cronbach alpha reliability method which yielded overall co-efficient of 0.76 and 65, 73, 74, 63, and 78 for the different clusters respectively. Two research assistants were used. These were assigned to cover the College of Education. Data collected was through four points Likert questionnaires called Ubiquitous Learning Questionnaire (ULQ) with two sections; Afor demographic data collection and B for collecting information for the study. To answer the research questions, used to ascertain the deviation of data collected. A criterion of 2.50 was adopted as the cutoff point (agreement level) for the items. Hence, any mean point less than 2.50 was rejected. Data for the study collected from responses was analysed using one sample T – test with standard deviation. The response options of Strongly Aware (SA), Aware (A), Slightly Aware (SA), Not Aware (NA) were used. Based on the findings of the study, conclusions was drawn and recommended that the National University Commission (NUC) which is the regulatory body responsible for designing the curriculum, accreditation of programmes and general overseeing of the education programmes where the computer educators are trained should also take into account the Context-aware ubiquitous learning environments and the technologies.

Author Biographies

Dr. Ifeoma Chukwuorji

Dr. Ifeoma Chukwuorji
Department of Computer Science Education
Madonna University of Nigeria
Tel.: +2348064004246

Monday Chukwuorji

Monday Chukwuorji
Tel.: +2348035390257
